we exist to increase the number of excellent startups founded per year.
and to optimize the outcomes of soon-to-be founders.
🤷‍♂️ selection
Josh Kopelman: “Most founders spend <5% of their time on idea selection, yet I believe that “the pick” accounts for >50% of startup success/failure.
Many founders rush “the pick”. If you’re spending the next 5-10 yrs of your life doing something, pick your idea wisely.”
selection helps soon-to-be founders optimize the pick.
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🚀 fit
Andy Rachleff: “The only thing that matters is product-market fit.”
fit helps companies that don’t yet have product-market fit get it.
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🔢 peers
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
peers helps you meet people you’ll want in your five – people on your level.
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